
sintering regolith with solar light 

Project duration: 2.5 years

Project conclusion: April 2018

Client: EU – Horizon 2020, within the topic of ‘3D printing – advancement of TRL’

Consortium: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft – Und Raumfahrt EV, Germany; Space Applications Services NV, Belgium; LIQUIFER Systems Group GmbH, Austria; Compagnie Maritime D Expertises (COMEX) SA, France; Bollinger Grohmann Schneider ZT GmbH, Austria

Task: automatic manufacturing of building components for lunar-based constructions, using in-situ resources (lunar regolith and solar energy). LIQUIFER participated in the development of interlocking brick-typologies for the construction of levelled terrains, dust shelters, launch pads, and habitats. The regolith solar sintering device breadboard that was developed was advanced to a TRL5.  >link