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LIQUIFER Space Systems is an initiative to widen global participation in the development of space-related research,  technologies and space design products.

LIQUIFER Space Systems is committed to providing high-quality outcomes of space-related projects and are capable in the following areas of expertise: Architecture/habitability, Design, Human Factors incl. Human Machine Interaction, Systems Engineering, Exploration Science and Scenario Development for Terrestrial and Space Applications

Lunar I-Hab Mock-up acceptance review was a complete success! Under contract to Thales Alenia Space – Italy the Lunar I-Hab prime contractor, LIQUIFER Space Systems, located in Bremen, Germany, is managing the industrial consortium formed to design and manufacture the Mock-up. LIQUIFER is supported by SPARTAN SPACE of Marseilles, France, who is responsible for the design, manufacture and integration of the interior simulated equipment, together with HAUX LIFE SUPPORT GmbH of Karlsbad, Germany, who manufactured the Mock-up’s primary structure at its facility in Cuxhaven, Germany. In March 2024 the integrated Mock-up was presented to Thales Alenia Space for their review and acceptance. The acceptance review was a complete success and Thales Alenia Space will now proceed to use the Mock-up as a test-bed for the Human-in-the-Loop test campaign. >>> see Press Release

